Sunday, January 31, 2010

A New Beginning...

The MISSION: To educate all, but especially the young: "Get back to the basics of creating healthy, home-cooked meals and consuming non-processed, natural foods."

It’s time to become more serious about my passion for cooking and, of course, eating.

I hope to have a recipe book completed by the Fall of this year, titled “Eat What the Hell You Want – A Diet For Real People”, where the theme and emphasis is about eating non-processed, home-cooked meals, consumption of reasonable portions, reasonable exercise and plenty of sarcastic humor, guiding readers away from fast food, manufactured tin can meals and cardboard tasting “mush.”

I'm not a commercial chef, I'm not a nutritionist nor diet expert. I only have common sense. I do what my mother told me.

One of the dictates was that I not only eat well, but listen to good music. She explained it was good for digestion, better for the soul and a must for long life. So I thought it was imperative to have classic works throughout the Blog. It sets the tone for better eating.

The recipes are a compilation of my mother’s European cooking, and a discovery of what I personally liked as I travelled for business throughout North America, Mexico, Europe and Asia. Primarily, I still prefer uncomplicated German and simple American cuisine – and Sushi is an interesting addiction I keep close at hand. I have been cooking since the age of 12…that makes it almost 50 years. Damn, that's too long...!

I will be discussing what I think are interesting food facts, as well as posting reviews of restaurants, recipes from the book and new meals as I create them. Please join me and comment, as I begin my second life's adventure.

I hope you find the information in these pages both helpful and entertaining. I welcome both your comments and criticisms. As I learn more, I will share what I learn.

To see a sample of the recipe book, please go to the heading 0-Recipe Book.

Thank you for visiting Eat What You Want... Please spread the word about eating healthy and real food, and come back often.


Oh, Palease...! is copyright and a trademark of Christoph G. Olesch. All text and recipes Copyright (C) 2010. Christoph G. Olesch. All rights reserved. Eat What You Want - A Diet For Real People and Eat What The Hell You Want - A Diet For Real People is Copyright (C) 2010. Christoph G. Olesch. All rights reserved.

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